Monday, January 30, 2012

A good start!

So we made it through our first show of the season!  The show was at Fields and Fences in Gurnee, Illinois and we showed tests 1-2 and 1-3 on Saturday and Sunday.  J and I have never been to Fields and Fences, so it was a new place for the both of us.  We trailered in on Friday afternoon and J settled right into his stall with a flake of hay.  Keith and I set up the tack stall and then got J all tacked up.  The facility has two separate arenas, connected by a breezeway, so warm-up is totally separate from the show ring.  The facility is heated and the warm-up ring has a large heater mounted to the ceiling in the back corner of the warm-up ring, placed above the round pen that is used for lunging.  I decided to lunge J first, just to make sure he was not going to have any tantrums.  He lunged great, so I didn't do too much and took him to the show ring and mounted up.  He was a little cautious of the flowers that were placed along the seating area, but otherwise was very comfortable in the show ring and we had a really good schooling session.  He settled back in his stall for the night with his Back on Track leg wraps on and a big pile of hay in front of him.

On Saturday, J was mellow as could be in his stall and slept the entire time that I was braiding him.  I assumed that this meant that he was going to be mellow during the ride, however I was very wrong!  J decided that the heater in the warm-up ring was a torture device for horses and was going to eat him alive.  During our first warm-up, J did just about everything that did NOT represent dressage including spinning, running off, kicking out and planting his feet and refusing to move.  Despite all of that, I managed to keep calm and ride him through it.  I was really proud of myself for not getting frazzled and feeding into his hysteria!  He finally calmed down enough where I could actually steer him (somewhat) and do a few transitions, but soon it was our turn to get into the show ring.  As soon as the person in front of my saluted, I took him around the show arena, doing leg yields and canter/trot transitions, and he was back to his old self.  He's such a goofy horse!  We had some mistakes in the test, J was not as soft or supple as he needed to be and his tightness allowed for him to want to break to the canter several times throughout the test.  But I was relieved that J was able to keep it together during the test and not act like a maniac like he did in the warm-up arena!

So for my second ride, J was better in the warm-up arena, but when a horse acted up in the round pen (who was being lunged) J heard a commotion and decided to split- I lost my stirrup in the process, but stayed balanced in the saddle and got him back under control.  We then went back to work.  This test was 1-3 and J was more supple and honest, but we still had mistakes, mostly him breaking to the canter in the corners or anticipating a transition.  I must say that his stretch work in the trot and his free walk were both pretty decent, he is definitely improving in those areas.  But because of the mistakes, we did not get a qualifying score, but did get some good feedback from the Judge as to how to correct some of these mistakes.

On Sunday we showed test 1-3 first and J warmed-up pretty well.  He was still cautious towards the back of the warm-up arena, but at least not having total meltdowns.  I decided to post the trot in this test, as he felt a little tired and behind my leg.  Overall, he had a better test, although there were still some mistakes.  The Judge commented that this test was better than yesterday and I got some good scores on my collective marks.   Unfortunately I missed a qualifying score by less than 1% point.  That was a disappointment, but we did make too many mistakes, so understandable.  For the last test, 1-2, J was really tired and not wanting to put out as much energy as he needed.  I posted the trot in the test and while I thought it had gone better then the previous tests, as in not so many mistakes, the Judge did not agree as much.  According to my comments on my test, I threw the reins away throughout most of my test, which may have been true as he was tired and I was trying to get him to be more forward.  I did score quite a bit of 7's throughout the test, but unfortunately my coefficient scores and collectives were low, so that brought my test down. 

In the end, we ended up 1st in all our classes except the last class, where we came in second.  We also won High Point Champion on Saturday, so that was really nice!  I did not get a qualifying score for 1st level, which was a disappointment.  But I was happy with the way I rode J.  I felt that I was an active rider, not a passenger and I corrected mistakes instead of letting him get away with them, afraid to make a scene in the show ring.  I was proud of handling his meltdowns in the warm-up ring and pushing on to the show ring, in the past I probably would have scratched after such a terrible warm-up, or at least let the warm-up negatively effect my test.  I have definitely obtained the confidence to know that I can handle whatever he throws at me and my seat is going to stay in the saddle!  So all in all, it was a good start to the show season. 

Unfortunately I recently received news that I have to have laparascopic surgery.  The doctor is predicting that I will be off from riding for 2 weeks.  So I have already made arrangements for Shelley to ride J while I am "off" and I am still hoping to show at the next Fields and Fences show in March, but that will all depend on how fast I can heal.  The surgery is scheduled for February 10th, so I have some time to ride and work on some of the stuff from the show before then. 

J's blue ribbons from Saturday

J settled back home with his blue ribbons and high point ribbon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So much FUN!

Despite dealing with more of my health issues, resulting in less riding over the past week, J has really been making progress!  Shelley rode him for me on Monday and she emailed me that night, stating that she did all the movements from the 2nd level test 3 and that he can do them!  She added that he is truly collecting himself and is much more correct!  It was so exciting to hear that.  Shelley is a perfectionist and works really hard, so I know that when she is excited and pleased with a horse, it means something!

So I was able to get to the barn last night to ride and my face hurt when we were done, which I attribute to smiling the entire ride, but it could have also been the cold! LOL!  He just feels so great- carrying himself, responsive to smaller aids, balanced and supple.  It is just so much FUN!  Sometimes I catch myself giggling like a little girl!  It's amazing how great it is to ride a horse that is truly in self-carriage and he is happy to do it!

So last night I worked on some of the 1st level work (leg yields of varying steepness, voltes and lengthenings), then some shoulder-in in the trot and canter (varying amount of angle while keeping his impulsion up) and did some turn on the forehand work in the walk and trot.  He felt so amazing, like he just took a giant leap forward in his training and it feels like it happened over night.  But I know we have worked hard for this and it has taken so much time, but we are getting there!

I entered the show at Fields and Fences at the end of the month.  I am SO excited for it.  If his work keeps at this level and he keeps a cool head about him, we should have no problem getting a qualifying score for regionals.  That is my ultimate goal for this next show, but I also want to ride every step of every ride and not give away any points on stupid things.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Great lesson!

I had a lesson with Shelley on Monday and when I started getting a major migraine earlier in the day, I was very upset that I wouldn't be riding my best for the lesson.  Fortunately a friend gave me some Excedrin migraine and it took the edge off, so I was able to focus for the lesson. I have been dealing with constant headaches and/or migraines for the past few months and it has been really frustrating.  But I am now taking medications that will hopefully lesson the occurrence and intensity of them.

So usually Shelley rides him in the beginning of the lesson, which I really appreciate her doing for two reasons. 1) She gets him quicker to the aids and 2) I learn very visually and if I am able to see her doing it, it helps me in understanding what needs to be done.  But for this lesson, Shelley asked that I ride for the entire lesson as her back has been bothering her again.  So I was able to ride the entire lesson and really work on the exercises.  As stated previously, J has a false bend to the left and that is something that we are really trying to address as he will need to be honest in order to correctly do the 2nd level work.  We are also trying to get J's shoulders up to meet the reins while he is bending his back, which is also a strength issue.  When he bends his back correctly, he wants to get slow in his hind end, which then puts him on the forehand.  So to deal with all these issues, Shelley had me do and exercise that was very challenging for both J and myself.  I had to turn J to the inside with my inside rein (just a small bit, nothing dramatic), then use my inside leg behind the girth to push his inside hind up underneath him and then use my inside leg up near his shoulder to drive the inside shoulder up and forward to meet the bridle.  All the while keeping a very stable outside leg and outside rein, doing absolutely nothing with either one.  And then repeat about 1 million times, on both a circle and the straightaway.  We started to the right, which is easier for both J and myself and we got pretty good.  We did some nice work and J was getting more and more responsive to smaller aids.  Then we went to the left, which is our weak side.  It's a bit of the "chicken or the egg" case... I have a hard time keeping my right seat bone in the saddle while I'm using my inside (left) leg, so when I use that inside leg, he falls out to the right and doesn't turn correctly or move his shoulder.  Which came first?  I don't know, but I'm willing to take the blame on that one.  So we went to the left and J was resistant, kept wanting to fold his neck up like an accordion (to the left) and fall down on his left (inside) shoulder.  I would use my leg to ask him to stand up on his shoulder and go forward and he would get pissy and just stop.  So it took a little while of asking and waiting, but he did finally understand that I was not going to give up.  We did this in the walk and trot and then took a break and worked on some trot lengthenings across the diagonal.  Shelley had me counterflex/counter leg yield him through the short side, straighten him on the diagonal, stretch his neck and then ask for the lengthening, while re-stretching his neck every couple of strides.  I found that if he was crooked in any way, leaning on either rein or had his neck too short he would either fall onto the forehand or break into the canter.  But I think that we got some decent lengthenings that I won't be ashamed to show at the end of the month.

After getting some good lengthenings, we went back to the previous exercise and J was much quicker to get to task.  We went back to the left, as that is the more difficult way and worked in the canter.  We actually did pretty well!  J was actually turning and moving his hind end underneath himself and then I would rein-yield him out and ask again.  We were even doing very small volte's- probably on a 6 meter circle and he was keeping his balance and keeping tempo.  Shelley had me do a couple walk/canter/walk transitions from this exaggerated shoulder-in positioning.

All-in-all it was a great lesson!  I felt that I was moving well with him, not hindering him as much in my seat and reins and getting better at not giving him static aids where he would tune me out when I applied an aid that I actually meant.  We have come a long way in the past few months and I really look forward to this show season!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Full Steam Ahead!

So J has now been on the magnesium supplement for a few weeks and he has shown definite improvement that even my barn owner and trainer have commented about.  His muscles are less twitchy and tight, he has a better attitude and is much more forward from the very beginning of the ride.  It is pretty amazing that this little bit of supplement can make such a huge difference in a horse!  It's a relief to have my horse back.

We are still working on the same things- trying to keep him bent correctly through his back, loading his hind end and keep his neck straight and stretched.  Shelley rode him last week and the biggest issue was his false bend while tracking to the left.  I directly contribute this to my riding flaws, which I am trying to correct.  While going to the left, I tend to collapse my inside hip, which then takes my right seatbone out of the saddle.  Then when I use my inside leg to ask for bend, he just falls out the right side or if I use my outside aids to ask for a turn, he is either ignoring the aid or falling in.  So I have been really trying to be more aware of this and keep both seatbones in the saddle and no collapse.  It definitely makes an immediate difference!  It's a work in progress.

I must say that our first level work is really coming along.  His canter lengthening to the left is really doing better- he sits back and really lifts with the shoulder- it is such a great feeling!  And best of all, he is coming back to me really nicely while staying supple.  The canter lengthening to the right isn't as reliable, but we are working on it.  His leg yields are really improving as well.  He is keeping his balance point farther back and becoming more adjustable in his lateral work.  In the 1-3 test, it calls to come around the short side of the arena and then immediately from the corner to the center line of the arena, so the problem was that he was crooked in the turn and then I didn't have enough time to straighten him, flex him in the new direction and then leg yield and get to the center line.  Or else he would run out of impulsion and it was not flowing.  But now he is much more responsive and active, which makes it fairly easy!  So that is really exciting!

I have no doubt that we will be ready to do our freestyle this year, which I am really looking forward to finally using my movement and showing it!  I am all ready to show 1-2 and 1-3 at Fields and Fences at the end of the month and hopefully I can get one qualifying score that weekend.  Then I'm shooting for the Fields and Fences show in March for (hopefully) my second qualifying score and then I can start working on my freestyle to show in the spring.  My show season goal is to qualify for regionals at 1st level AA and 1st level freestyle and to compete at Region 2 championships, which are being held at the Kentucky Horse Park.