Monday, November 21, 2011

Minor hiccups...

Well, J and I had been (seemingly) back on track to consistent training, but lately I've been having some medical issues that have kept me from the barn more often then I care to admit.  But hopefully things are being resolved in that department and we can get back to frequent rides.

I've been able to keep up on the weekly lessons with Shelley and we are really working on shifting his balance to his hind end while keeping his neck long and straight.  We've been working on this through a couple of different exercises, doing full passes in walk and trot, counterflexion and spiraling in on a circle at the canter and turn on the forehands in walk and trot.  The full passes can be difficult because of his urge to move forward instead of bringing his feet up directly underneath himself.  So when he surges forward, I halt him, stretch his neck, back him up, stretch his neck again and ask him to move directly sideways, in either walk or trot.  This keeps him from leaning on the bit, his legs underneath him and responsive to my aids.  The counterflexion and spiraling-in in the canter is interesting as well, as I have to be super quick with my aids and super quick to put him back to correct flexion as he will throw flying changes, with he is using as an evasion technique.

I don't know if it is the work or the colder weather, but he is wanting to constantly break to the canter.  So I have to make sure that he is really "on" the outside rein and stretching through the neck.  I make sure my aids are soft and I'm not unintentionally telling him something through my legs or seat.  He was also a bit stiff last week- we do carrot stretches (with mints though) before every ride and he was noticeable stiff last week.  But each ride it got better and yesterday he was back to full range of motion.  I will definitely have the acupuncturist/chiropractor work on him when they come out to the barn next.

J's first level work is getting more and more solid, even the lengthenings.  So I'm still aiming for the show at Fields and Fences in January!  It will be nice to get a couple of shows out of the way before the hot weather hits!

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