Wednesday, January 18, 2012

So much FUN!

Despite dealing with more of my health issues, resulting in less riding over the past week, J has really been making progress!  Shelley rode him for me on Monday and she emailed me that night, stating that she did all the movements from the 2nd level test 3 and that he can do them!  She added that he is truly collecting himself and is much more correct!  It was so exciting to hear that.  Shelley is a perfectionist and works really hard, so I know that when she is excited and pleased with a horse, it means something!

So I was able to get to the barn last night to ride and my face hurt when we were done, which I attribute to smiling the entire ride, but it could have also been the cold! LOL!  He just feels so great- carrying himself, responsive to smaller aids, balanced and supple.  It is just so much FUN!  Sometimes I catch myself giggling like a little girl!  It's amazing how great it is to ride a horse that is truly in self-carriage and he is happy to do it!

So last night I worked on some of the 1st level work (leg yields of varying steepness, voltes and lengthenings), then some shoulder-in in the trot and canter (varying amount of angle while keeping his impulsion up) and did some turn on the forehand work in the walk and trot.  He felt so amazing, like he just took a giant leap forward in his training and it feels like it happened over night.  But I know we have worked hard for this and it has taken so much time, but we are getting there!

I entered the show at Fields and Fences at the end of the month.  I am SO excited for it.  If his work keeps at this level and he keeps a cool head about him, we should have no problem getting a qualifying score for regionals.  That is my ultimate goal for this next show, but I also want to ride every step of every ride and not give away any points on stupid things.

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