The weather finally gave us a break and I was able to ride three days in a row! It was heaven! On Saturday I worked on his suppleness, really working him over his back and letting him be deep, but not on the forehand. Lots of circles and some leg yields, all while staying very round and actively pushing from his hind end. He tired pretty quickly, probably from the lack of work as of recent and the quality of work. I was happy with his effort and did not work him too long, as I didn't want him to be sore or anything like that.
On Sunday J's farrier, Joe Gnaster, reset J's front shoes and trimmed his back hooves. Joe is a really great guy and an awesome farrier. Joe commented that J needed to be done on a slightly shorter schedule as his front hooves had really grown! Which was great news (well, not for my wallet!) as we have been working really hard at correcting some nasty damage that a previous farrier had done to J's hooves, so the growth is a good thing! When we had arrived at White Spring, J's "feet" were a disaster- both due to terrible farrier work and terrible footing at the previous barn, but there is a definite noticeable change with the change in farrier and the great footing at the new farm. So I rode J after he got his feet done and while he was a little testy at times (J can get an attitude when there are other horses in the arena, but that's a whole different post!) he felt really good once he settled into his work. I started off working him deep again, asking him to really take up my rein and have a steady, even contact. We did various figures, working towards a nice bend through his back. Then I asked him take on a more "proper" show "frame", carrying himself in a higher carriage while keeping the suppleness, and he did a really nice job. We worked on some lateral work and some lengthenings, mostly in the trot. I could really feel him pushing off his hind end and lifting his shoulders in a way that is much improved.
Monday came and I was feeling very lazy, wanting to go home and curl up on the couch with the dogs. But I knew that I wouldn't be riding on Tuesday and a blast of arctic air was on it's way to our area. So I bundled up and headed out, which I was so happy that I did. J was so nice! Moved great off my legs/aids, nice contact through the reins, supple and working over his back. I did some leg yields, half passes and lengthenings in the trot and some leg yields and lengthenings in the canter. I felt that he was "coming back" to me much easier while keeping the impulsion and not falling onto his forehand, especially going to the left in the canter. I was able to really use the corner to balance him back with my outside rein- it felt great! I feel like he is really getting more and more reliable in his 1st level work and it's such a great feeling to be confident again! I can't wait to get out there this show season and show the regular 1st level tests and our freestyle!
Shelley is doing a training ride on J today and I think tomorrow is going to be below zero temps, so it might not be until Thursday when I get out there next. But that's okay because J will need a day off so he doesn't get sore or anything. I hope he is a good boy for Shelley today!
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