Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Such a fine line...

So I rode J on Monday, with the same idea as to the balance point and having him accept my rein aids.  He felt pretty good and really getting the idea of balancing back to the hind end and then pushing off strongly when I ask for the lengthen.  But suddenly that feeling changed, he wasn't as quick to move strongly off the hind end and got heavier and heavier in my reins.  I felt like he was locked up.  So I temporarily ditched the exercise and suppled him and moved him forward, it took a few strides, but he did unlock. Then the light bulb came on... I was using WAY to much rein to balance him back!  Basically giving him the rein to hang on, which was opposite of what I was trying to accomplish.  So I went back to the exercise with more awareness of self carriage and regulating the tempo with my core instead of my rein, and it went much better. 

J got Tuesday off due to my work schedule, but I will be back at it tonight, constantly evaluating the reins and not letting him use them against me- by getting too light or too heavy!

1 comment:

  1. So nice to find another dressage blog! Great posts. I'll look forward to reading more. Hope your training continues to go well.
